Pastoral Care
We have several pastoral visitors who support the ministry of the church by calling on our church members and friends who are ill, in need or can’t attend church services. For more details, speak to Mrs Delia Dingley (01455 842789) or Mrs Tricia Attenborough (01455 444816).
House Groups
We currently have two groups that meet on Monday evenings for prayer, fellowship and Bible study. For further information contact:- Mrs Pauline Ward (01455 847965) & Mrs Tricia Attenborough (01455 444816).
Youth Worker
Our Circuit (local group of churches) appointed Chris Newlyn (tel 07785 374040) to lead and support the youth of our church and community.
Uniformed Organisations
We are proud to have Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers as part of our church family. These organisations for girls meet every week during term time. Contact Mrs Sam Harrold for details or contact through
Register your daughter
Wednesday Activities
The 10.00am service is followed by a coffee morning leading up to community lunches starting at 11.45am until 1.00pm. Soup, a roll, tea or coffee and a choice of deserts are available, all for just £1.50!
Coffee Mornings
Coffee Mornings are held weekly on Saturdays, 10.00am – 12.00 noon in aid of church funds, or to support various charities.
The Barwell Beacon
This is our monthly newsletter giving details of many aspects of church and community life, services, events, and showing a useful list of office-holders. A message from our minister and a daily prayer pull-out are also included. To advertise or to include an item in The Beacon please contact the editor Mike Holt by email mikeholt24@btinternet,com all items need to be recieved by the 20th of the month previos to publication.
Community Group Meetings
Several other groups meet on our premises:
Ladies Friendship Club
Wednesday afternoons, monthly, contact Mrs Dorothy Bannister (01455 845944)
Age Concern
Meet Monday afternoons and Tuesday mornings, Contact Mrs Barbara Nicholls (01455 847134)
Women’s Institute
Meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month, Contact Mrs C Boulter (01455 843618)
Hinckley Choral Union
Contact Ms Sylvia Bruce (01455 840576).
Friday Exercise Class
Contact Mr Simon Bates (01455 822397)
Room Lettings
All our rooms can be let for special events and children’s birthday parties. Contact Miss Mandy Prosser (01455 846872)
Stewardship and Giving
This is a stewardship church, meaning that our members take our responsibility seriously for the church and world around us. The on-going mission of the church relies largely on time and money generously offered by lay members and friends of the church. We have a team of stewards and other officers who ensure that things run smoothly. They can be contacted or approached if you have any queries or problems. Our Senior Steward is Mrs Pauline Ward (01455 847965).
Community Outreach and Fundraising Events
We hold a number fund-raising and outreach events each year, along with various other social events. We have a meeting every so often for “Community Outreach, Fun, Fundraising and Exciting Events” (Events Team) which organises these events.
Other Churches
We have good relationships with the other churches in Barwell and Earl Shilton. For details of other churches in the area:
St. Mary’s Parish Church, Barwell 01455 449244
Earl Shilton Roman Catholic Church 01455 842202
Earl Shilton Baptist Church 01455 843717
United Reformed Church, High Street, Earl Shilton.