Put an angel in your window from the 1st December. Check out Hinckley Methodist Church on Facebook.
Zoom recording of the Welcome Service for Rev Patricia
The recording of the Circuit Zoom Welcome Service for Rev Patricia was unfortunately interrupted by technological difficulties and can not be put on the website. Sorry!
Godly Play story – The Parable of the Mustard Seed
Claire tells you the Parable of the Mustard Seed through Godly Play. Enjoy!
Welcome to Claire!
Read all about our new Children & Families Ministry Enabler, Claire Sutcliffe.
Bring history to life – Private Sydney ‘Togo’ Bolesworth 1889-1917
An old certificate
Do you remember the old Scripture Exams?
church history-old circuit plan
Click on the link for more info
Albert Rd Church History
Early Church History. 1884, 1893 & 1928.
Facebook for our Circuit
To get items onto the Circuit Facebook Page I have set up a new email address.
Welcome to the new web site.
This is the new news page for the Hinckley Methodist Church.