Policy and Procedures for Record Management within the Hinckley Circuit
The Purpose of this Document
This document is intended to provide the churches within the circuit with guidelines and procedures for the systematic and consistent management of their records. Every church needs records to meet their operational, fiscal and statutory requirements. Effective management allows fast, accurate and reliable access to records and the correct processing of redundant records. This applies to records held as paper copies and records held electronically. All records created by the Methodist Church are the property of the Methodist Church.
Responsibility for Record Management
Although the Superintendent Minister is ultimately responsible for the maintenance of records within the circuit it is the responsibility of all officeholders and leaders to manage individual records and store them securely.
Record Retention Periods
All records should be reviewed annually to determine whether they are still required or whether their retention period has expired. The retention periods for different record types are listed in Appendix 1 with the action to be taken when the retention period expires. These retention periods and actions are as currently agreed by the Connexion.
Record Destruction
Records containing personal data (e.g. name, address, telephone number, email address) must be destroyed using a cross-cut shredder.
Records with no personal data can be destroyed in a rubbish bin without being shredded.
Records sent to the Circuit Office
Details of records passed to the Circuit Office must be recorded and retained in the Church safe/locked cupboard indefinitely. This will provide an audit trail for any inspections conducted by the Information Commissioner and will aid in addressing Freedom of Information requests.
Data Sharing
Where data is passed from one church body to another only the original record should be retained as detailed above.
Where records are shared within the Circuit it is the responsibility of the person managing those records to ensure that the recipients will manage them in accordance with the Circuit’s policies and relevant legislation and regulations
Where records are shared with bodies outside the Circuit it is the responsibility of the person managing those records to ensure that the outside body will manage them in accordance with the Circuit’s policies and relevant legislation and regulations.
When records are sent to the Circuit Office they will be prepared, listed and then deposited (on indefinite loan – not donated) with the Leicestershire Records Office in Wigston Magna. The general public will not be able to view records not previously in the public domain for 30 years. Sensitive records will not be available to the general public for 75 years. The Leicestershire Records Office will provide a signed declaration that they have received the deposited records. This receipt must be stored in the safe in the Circuit Office indefinitely.
Circuit Records
Circuit records are treated in a similar manner to church records. Records which relate to the Circuit rather than individual churches are listed in Appendix 2.
Appendix 1 – Record Retention Periods – Church
Record Type 1 – Meetings
Type | Retain for use | Action on expiry of retention period |
Church Council | Current connexional year + 5 | Send to the Circuit Office |
Other meetings | Current connexional year + 3 | Send to the Circuit Office |
Record Type 2 – Finance
Type | Retain for use | Action on expiry of retention period |
Annual Accounts | Current connexional year + 6 | Send to the Circuit Office |
Cash Books | Current connexional year + 6 | Destroy |
Cheque Books | Current connexional year + 6 | Destroy |
Paying In Slips | Current connexional year + 6 | Destroy |
Financial Statements | Current connexional year + 6 | Destroy |
Accounts of reporting organisations | Current connexional year + 6 | Send to the Circuit Office |
Schedule B Returns | 2 years after audit | Destroy |
Covenanted Giving | Current tax year + 6 | Destroy |
Tax Relief Claims | Current tax year + 6 | Destroy |
Missionary Accounts | Current connexional year + 6 | Send to the Circuit Office |
Record Type 3 – Property
Type | Retain for use | Action on expiry of retention period |
Insurance Policies | 40 years | Destroy |
Claims Correspondence | 3 years after last action | Destroy |
Property Agreements and Leases | 1 year after end of agreement | Send to the Circuit Office |
Licences for use | 1 year after end of agreement | Send to the Circuit Office |
Church Copyright licence records | Current Licence year + 6 | Destroy |
Records of Lettings and use by external bodies | 1 year | Send to the Circuit Office |
Methodist Property Logs | While the Log or the church is in use | Send to the Circuit Office |
Quinquennial Inspection Reports | Hold in the Property Log | Send to the Circuit Office |
Building Schemes | Last action + 5 years | Send to the Circuit Office |
Graveyard Records | Last action + 5 years | Send to the Circuit Office |
Trust Deeds | Only of historic interest | Send to the Circuit Office |
Appendix 1 (cont.)
Record Type 4 – Membership
Type | Retain for use | Action on expiry of retention period |
Church Members List | Permanent (review annually) | Permanent. Send superseded copy to the Circuit Office |
List of Adherents | Permanent (review annually) | Permanent. Send superseded copy to the Circuit Office |
Baptism Register | While Register or church in use | Send to the Circuit Office |
Marriage Register | While Register or church in use | Send to the Circuit Office |
Burial Register | While Register or church in use | Send to the Circuit Office |
Sunday School Register | While Register or church in use | Send to the Circuit Office |
Cradle Roll | While Roll or church in use | Send to the Circuit Office |
Misc. Group Lists | While currently active | Destroy superseded list |
Record Type 5 – Employment
Type | Retain for use | Action on expiry of retention period |
Employee Tax Records | Current tax year + 6 | Destroy |
Employee Insurance Records | Current tax year + 6 | Destroy |
Insurance Records: Employers Liability | Current tax year + 40 | Destroy |
Pension Contributions | Current tax year + 6 | Destroy |
Contract of Employment | Current tax year + 6 | Destroy |
Annual Tax Return | Current tax year + 6 | Destroy |
Expenses Claims | Current tax year + 6 | Destroy |
Record Type 6 – Health and Safety
Type | Retain for use | Action on expiry of retention period |
Reportable Accident Sheets | Date of entry + 3 years | Destroy |
Accident Book | Date of last entry + 3 years | Destroy |
External inspection documents | Date of inspection + 3 years | Destroy |
Fire Check Records | Hold in Property Log | Send to the Circuit Office |
Record Type 7 – Safeguarding
Type | Retain for use | Action on expiry of retention period |
Safeguarding records | 75 years | Destroy |
Record Type 8 – Miscellaneous
Type | Retain for use | Action on expiry of retention period |
General correspondence | Conclusion of matter + 1 year | Destroy |
Anniversary Records | Event Date + 10 years | Send to the Circuit Office |
Commemoration Records | Event Date + 10 years | Send to the Circuit Office |
Church newsletters / publications | Date of issue + 2 years | Send to the Circuit Office |
Appendix 2 – Record Retention Periods Circuit
Type | Retain for use | Action on expiry of retention period |
Circuit Meetings | Current Connexional year + 5 | Archive |
Meetings reporting to the Circuit Meeting | Current Connexional year + 3 | Archive |
Records relating to ecumenical bodies | Current Connexional year + 2 | Archive |
Circuit Directory | Renew annually | Archive superseded copy |
Chapel Registration certificates | Permanent | |
Church closure records | Current Connexional year + 6 | Archive |
Sale of church premises | Current Connexional year + 6 | Archive |
Manse inspections | Hold in property Log | Archive |
Circuit Newsletters & Publications | Date of issue +2 years | Archive |
Circuit Plans | Current Connexional year + 2 | Archive |
Replies to District & Connexional queries | Last action + 5 years | Archive |