Pastoral Care
A team of pastoral visitors support the church ministry by visiting all church members and the greater church community at last every few months as they deliver the Looking Ahead Magazines. They call in on those who can’t get to church through illness more often and pass on prayer requests to the Phone Prayer Chain and the E-Mail Prayer Chain.
The Pastoral Secretary is Gwen Coley.
Mission Leadership Team
A small group from all sections of the church meet every 1 or 2 months to come up with ideas of ways of enable our Church to be more relevant and accessible to our wider community.
We have looked into changes to the foyer, to help show what the church does and encourage them to cross the threshold of the church sanctuary. A TV Monitor ‘advertises’ upcoming events and postcard style leaflets are to be made for each church group.
Cafe style Church and Movie nights are to be trialed.
Fund Raising Fellowship (FRF)
This group runs various events throughout the year. The “mile of pennies” is a highlight of several Coffee Mornings that the FRF run.
Sequence dances are run monthly on a Saturday evening. Coach trips are organised. Domino and Beetle Drives are among other occasional events that they hold.

Fishing for Souls
Sunday, 10:30 am and 6:00 pm.
Parade Services (1st Sunday ).
8:30 am Communion monthly 2nd Sunday.
Messy Church 3 pm on 4th Sunday of month.
STF, H&P, PP3, HSF, (SF – 4 music copies only, contact Ruth Peach in advance to prepare printed words), NIV, MSB, MWB (Communion Services only; limited number).
AV: Pulpit & Radio Microphones, Computer & screen; projection of DVD’s or presentations by arrangement.
Car Park: Limited Street Parking but please avoid Albert Road; Please use Holliers Walk, Dares Walk, or Druid Street Car Parks.
Saturday Mornings and Sundays at Service times the Alma Rd Church carpark is available for free parking.
Local Practices
Morning Service: Preacher introduced by the steward.
Junior Church follows Roots material; children normally leave after 2nd hymn with dismissal prayer. Readers are available for scripture passages. Prayer requests brought to the vestry before the service. Coffee served after morning worship.
There is a collection point in our Church Foyer.
Donations taken to the foodbank 12th. January: 2016 came to 90.3 kgs. valued at £151.70 plus £10 in cash making a grand total of £161.70
THANK YOU once again to all that give.
They have a shortage of Milk 1lt. (long life), Fruit Juice (long life).
Further info can be found on their website