A family of faith, hope and love, called by Jesus Christ to share his love.
We hope you enjoy looking round and finding out more
We meet for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. Our Junior Church for children and young people meet at the same time for stories, crafts and often baking!
Please check the side bar on the left of this page for our weekly diary as on occasions we meet with other churches in the circuit or village and times may vary. If using a smartphone please scroll down to find the section WHAT’S ON AT NEWBOLD VERDON to get the weekly information
Tea and coffee is served following morning worship – a warm welcome to all
For more information: www.facebook.com/newboldverdonmethodistchurch
For prayers and refections from the Methodist Church https://www.methodist.org.uk/
WELCOME. As a church family we are learning together to work, give and pray so we can express the love of God for all.
Worshipping God is central to our church life. We come to be fed by God’s Holy Spirit and equipped for our daily lives. We meet for worship on Sunday morning and children and young people meet for Junior church at the same time.
We are committed to growing in faith and to exploring and learning together how we can follow Jesus.We share worship and learning with the other churches in the village and together run Fun Days and a Holiday club which is great fun and very noisy! We are part of the Hinckley Methodist Circuit so we are linked with all the other churches on this website.
Issues of poverty and justice are important to us; we take part in Christian Aid week and support different charities as we learn new ways of responding to the needs of our neighbours thoughout the world. We support the Hinckley Area Foodbank. We try to use Fairtrade items in our catering and by re-cycling and composting as much as possible to show our respect and care for the beautiful world that God has given to us.
Christenings, funerals and weddings take place here as we share the joys and sorrows of life with whoever comes to join these services. We want to share the welcome and the love of God to all who come into this place.
Our large room is used by many local groups during the week. We are glad to be able to share the building with all who come.
Our Community Pastor, Malcolm Lapper, and our pastoral team work alongside our Minister, Rev Andrew Lomax , to support and encourage church members and people within our community.
To find out more take a look at the rest of the site
Jesus Christ welcomes us and we are glad to share His welcome with all