There is an ongoing collection of surplus and unused tools which can be reconditioned and sent to partners in the third world. Tools for all trades are accepted. Gardening, plumbing, carpentry, knitting, haberdashery, etc. Venue: Higham on the Hill Methodist Church Donations are accepted any time the church is open or by ringing Ursula on […]
Notices August 11th
Circuit Plan 2024
District Synod September 2023
Tools with a mission
Food Bank
The Methodist Church is open to receive gifts for the food bank on Wednesdays from 2.00pm to 5.00pm while the craft group meet and on Fridays from 10.30am to 12.00pm. On both occasions folk are welcome for some companionship and tea. From November to March the time is extended to provide ‘Warm Welcome’ on Friday […]
Warm space info will appear here later
Coffee and Chat
The monthly coffee morning at Higham Methodist Church is normally on the first Thursday of the month .The next event will be Thursday February 1st We have preloved books and home made cakes and plenty of time to sit and chat with friends and neighbours. All are welcome.
New page
I have added a new page to the online church menu. It is called online presence. If your church Facebook or other social network page is not listed then please let me know.
Protected: Circuit Directory
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Welcome to Claire!
Read all about our new Children & Families Ministry Enabler, Claire Sutcliffe.