Passionate Worship | Five Practices.
Conversation Questions:
- How does the congregation encourage the pastor, staff, laity, and musicians who lead worship to give adequate time to the preparation of sermons and music so as to enhance excellence? When and where do worship leaders receive training? How does the congregation encourage and support training for worship leaders?
- How does the congregation make children feel welcome in worship? How does the youth ministry of the church include significant worship experiences and participation?
- In what ways does your class or group practice and teach prayer? How do you pray for one another, for the church, and for the needs of the world?
- What practices, readings, resources, or relationships sustain your own personal devotional life? How do you prepare your own spirit for worship?Schnase, Robert (2011-12-01). Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations (p. 58). Abingdon Press. Kindle Edition.