Food and Fellowship
There is a monthly Men’s Big Breakfast and a ladies ‘Dames who Dine’ which meets in a local restaurant.
Thursday Teas, and Youth Club
Thursdays is a busy day at the church with Thursday Teas in the afternoon, patronised by young and old alike, and the Youth Club in the evening. This is split into two age groups, 11–14 year olds and 15+. The youth club has grown over the past year and benefitted greatly from the expertise of the Circuit Youth Worker.
Small Groups
There are two thriving house groups – one particularly for young adults – and regular Lenten Groups.
Ecumenical and Community Worship
We have good links with the Parish Church, All Saints, and share occasional united services.
The minister leads regular assemblies at All Saints Primary School and the school has used the church for Harvest and Easter Services.
Pastoral Care
The church is supportive and caring of its members through the pastoral visitors system, individual and ministerial care. A bereavement group meets once a month.
Other groups
Many village activities take place on the premises including the Playgroup, the W.I., Rainbows and Brownies, Dancing and Karate classes.
The ‘Stepping Stones’ Pre-school meets each weekday, 9.15am to 12noon.
Contact Claire Shields
07714 296127
Other activities taking place are as follows:
Second Monday of each month
Womens Institute 7.30pm
Jenny Groom
01455 272963
Other Mondays
Art Club 7.30pm – 9.30pm
(except 2nd Monday in the month)
01455 272156
First Monday in the month
Bloom Group
Contact Diane Brannan
01455 273115
Alternate Tuesdays House Group 8.00pm – 9.30pm
Contact David Watts
01455 272840
1st Wednesday of the month
Café Worship 7.00pm – 9.00pm
Contact Sheila Grice
07962 216219
Sequence Dancing
Thursday Teas 2.30pm – 4.30pm
Contact Maureen Haslett
01445 272918
Children’s Choir 3.30 – 4.30pm
Contact Dawn Ellis
01455 273250
Rainbows 5pm – 6.00pm (term time only)
Contact Marilyn Langley
07851 742439
Youth Club 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Contact Chris Newlyn
Children’s Choir
Contact Dawn Ellis
01455 273250
Rochelle School of Dance 3.45pm – 6.45pm
Ballet, Tap and Theatre Art
Contact Miss Kay
01455 636514
Men’s Breakfast
Held monthly
Contact Derek Forster
01455 209692
Dominoes Evenings (Fish & Chip Supper)
Contact Derek Forster
01455 209692