Stoney Stanton Methodist Church seeks to serve God and the community, led and inspired by the Holy Spirit, proclaiming the Gospel to bring people to faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
Aims and Goals
To increase awareness of God’s presence and to celebrate God’s love.
Learning and Caring
To help people grow as Christians through mutual support, care and teaching.
To be good neighbours, challenge injustice and care for God’s world.
To make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Date June 2007
- We will support the churches in developing forms of worship that are appropriate to their communities
- We will support the churches in developing forms of worship in an appropriate ecumenical setting
- Preachers and Worship Leaders will seek to challenge individuals and congregations
Our Church Response
- Build on the developments made in the last 3 years
- Encourage house groups and other church groups to prepare and lead worship on a quarterly basis
- Increase the use of AVA and IT facilities to assist worship
- Seek opportunities to bring worship into a community setting
Learning and Caring
- We encourage each church to develop small group involvement for everyone. We expect 50% of each local church community to participate within three years
- Churches are to ensure that they develop effective pastoral oversight and maintain and develop it within the local community
- We encourage our churches to learn about and explore other church traditions
Our Church Response
- We will continue with ecumenical initiatives, joint services and activities and the initiatives we have developed over the last 3 years
- We will continue to take an active part in Churches Together in Barwell and Earl Shilton
- We will seek opportunities to deepen and strengthen our faith through a structured course
- To develop awareness of local community issues and to respond appropriately, endeavouring to work together with other Christians in joint action
- This church is to be a fair trade church and continue to develop an awareness of global issues
- To develop environmental awareness and good practice
Our Church Response
- We will continue to build on our existing initiatives of the last 3 years
- We will explore ways of reducing the environmental impact of heating and lighting our premises
- We will seek to offer worship and care in the community
- Develop programmes of outreach both personal and corporate
- To help and encourage disciples to witness to others enabling them to become what God wants them to be wherever they are
- Develop and implement strategies of worship and activities to offer multiple entry points into different expressions of what it means to be the church of Jesus Christ
- Develop appropriate networks both individual and in groups, encouraging groups and individuals to engage in activities outside church structures.
Our Church Response
- We will seek to maintain the initiatives we have developed over the last 3 years
- We will try to hold an open air service to witness to the community, in conjunction with other churches through Hope 2008
- We will offer a Christmas Party and Carol Service to groups of children who use the premises
- We will seek to offer Carol Services for local schools
- We will explore the possibilities of starting an after school club