Whether you are a Christian who has recently moved into the area, or someone exploring the Christian faith for the first time, we hope that you will find a welcome among us. Our churches are made up of people of all ages and backgrounds. So, what will you find when you come to worship with us?
When you arrive at church, you will be met with a warm welcome at the door and someone who will give you some material – either a hymn-book, a worship book, or the newsletter of that church’s activities. Often a copy of the Bible is found near to your seat. People are usually milling around when you arrive and music is playing. The service will last for just over an hour, and fellowship and conversation continues after the service.
Methodist worship is full of music – we like to sing – a lot!
Some churches have an organist, others might use a piano or perhaps a music group. Some churches project the words of the hymns and songs onto a screen, others use the hymn book. Many Methodist Churches have the ‘loop’ hearing system to improve accessibility. Different people take part in the service by reading scripture, leading the prayers, sharing news and the Preacher will preach the message.

We love it when children and families come to church. Those churches with a lot of children may provide space for them to do activities together, and they will often bring in and share their work with the rest of the congregation before the end of the service. Each Methodist Church follows the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults policy. In some churches, during the service, birthdays are celebrated and information about events is shared.
Once a month, the Sunday worship will include a Holy Communion Service – to which all are invited to share. In the Holy Communion Service, we remember the last meal that Jesus had with his disciples before he was crucified. The bread and the wine represent Jesus’ body and blood given for us when he died on the cross and expresses God’s love for us. It is a service that brings us closer to God and closer to each other. If you would like to, just come forward when the Steward invites you.
And please don’t rush off at the end of the service – stay for a cup of tea or coffee, and a chat! If you would like to speak with the Preacher or the Minister of the church, just ask one of the Church Stewards. We pray that your visit will be a renewing and hope-filled experience.