Widgets and Plug-ins
This may look an odd title for a church article but these are things Gwen & Fred had to come to grips with on their recently finished Web Development course.
We built several offline ‘Wordpress’ web sites from scratch to try out the new skills as we learnt them.
We become skilled at how to write coding in HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) and in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). These help with the size, font, colour and positioning of text, pictures, etc.
The overall layout of a website comes from a ‘Theme’ that can be downloaded, copied or built from scratch. Page layouts are assembled from the ‘Widgets’ which are the building blocks. Things to create forms or link to say ‘Facebook’ come from the ‘Plug-ins’. We touched on PHP, Java, and Wamp.
This course has given us the opportunity to become familiar with our web design software (WordPress) and gain a basic understanding of how a website works, plus enthusiasm to expand the Circuit Web site without fear.
Fred Hartshorn.